Saturday, 21 February 2015

Alpha-H: The Fruit Acid Exfoliator

Something I came across about a year ago was information on fruit acid exfoliators and how they are amazing for your skin.  Of course, being a bit of a skincare and beauty junkie I was looking forward to trying out something a bit different to help look after my skin.

After a bit of research I came across Alpha-H, an Australian brand producing skincare for males and females of any age.  They offer a lot of products with the key ingredient of Glycolic Acid - now I know what some of you might be thinking, we're told acidic products, foods and drinks are pretty bad for us - but don't be put off by this brand or the products, I believe they really do work and make a difference.  The gentle fruit acid in these products helps to lift away dead skin cells, keep your face feeling moisturised and really brightens up the skin.

To try out a few of their products I purchased the Alpha-H Exfoliation Experts Kit, which comes with a 30ml Liquid Gold Smoothing & Perfecting Mask, a 30ml Micro Cleanse and a 12g Gentle Daily Exfoliant.

They offer lots of different kits with similar sized products, so I would definitely recommend purchasing one if you're looking to try out their products!
I chose the Exfoliation Experts Kit because whenever my skin is in need of a pick-me-up, a good exfoliator tends to do the trick washing away my dry skin and any other impurities.

Liquid Gold Smoothing & Perfecting Mask
A weekly, lavender scented face mask which helps to brighten and clean your skin.  It has a tingling sensation and shouldn't be kept on for more than 10 minutes - it truly is a great product.  I see a great improvement in my skin when I use this mask and it helps to bring the natural moisture back into my skin.

Micro Cleanse
This one is a twice weekly glycolic exfoliator with micro beads to really give your skin a gentle, yet deep cleanse.  I dampen my face with warm water on a small sponge, then apply the cleanser in circular motions.  I then use a warm, damp cloth to remove the product afterwards - leaving my skin feeling super smooth!

Gentle Daily Exfoliant
This is quite a unique product which comes in powder form with papaya and pineapple.  Once my skin is clean with my standard daily cleanser, I'll add a small amount to my hand and add a few drops of water to create a paste, I then massage all over my face in circular motions and rinse well with warm water.  It works as a great product to wake up my skin and keep it feeling refreshed.

Have you tried any of the Alpha-H products and have a favourite?
I'd love to hear about other exfoliators you swear by!

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